Sunday, November 13, 2016

Donald J. Trump: Hero or Villian?

Well folks,

America has finally spoken. Our 45th President of the United States will be Donald J. Trump and whether or not you agree with his politics, this is the reality. After months of rallying, attack ads, and criminal investigations, you know - politics! The American voters have chosen the billionaire businessman turned major political pundit as the new Commander-in-Chief. It is safe to say that President-elect Trump has much to do before being sworn into office in January and with Americans seeming more divided as ever on the election results, we will see if his promise of being a President for "All Americans" stands the test of his term limit.

I will admit, I am not a fan but that is, like everything else on this blog, my humbled opinion. Yet, I will say that by far, this has been the election to watch. Tump's personality and rhetoric carried him through the grueling trials of gaining the Republican nomination against some of the party's top contenders. One could argue that this was a "renaissance era" for the GOP. With candidates ranging from numerous professional, racial, and political backgrounds, the 2016 Presidential race ignited a new spark within the Republican party.

However, now the party must come to grips with the damage that has occurred not only to the many Americans who have been offended by newly-minted President's comments but those within the Republican party who do not support him. Trump's comments about women, minorities, veterans, and the mentally and physically disabled have been soundly criticized by both sides of the aisle. Another potential setback is the President-elect's upcoming court hearings over Trump University, The Trump Foundation, and a rape lawsuit. So, we shall see if the conservative businessman known for his intellect and ability to negotiate can overcome these major obstacles before taking the Oval Office in less than 2 months. All eyes on you, Mr. Trump.

Further Reading

President-elect Trump's 100 Day Plan:

Court Hearings:

1 comment:

  1. Love the use of media here (that GIF -- ahahaha!). I also like the design and voice of your's very personable and you can feel "you" in it. Keep up the good work!
